About Me

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A holder a Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc.) in Sociology and Anthropology, and a minor diploma in Political Science from the University of Buea. and on going master programmed in population and development, University of Yaoundé 1.From 2005-2007, served as the Project Director for SUDAHSER FOUNDATION, and from 2007-2009 as the General Coordinator in the same organization. During this time, equally served as the vice president of the university of Buea yellow Party.Did internship with the kumbo urban council from 1st august to 30th September 2005, work as the treasurer in the faculty of social and management science student Association, and as the Public Relation Officer in the Sociology and Anthropology student network University of Buea, 2006/2007 academic year

Monday, October 19, 2009


It is logical that under the current global economic environment, it is important to support the most vulnerable countries of the world. However history has proven that african developmental problems can not and will never be settle by flooding africa with more aid: Africans need to exchange thier natural resourses with technology ensure effective management of aid, fight corruption, and be fully intergrated, and active actors in the global economic systems. African countries also need to create an atmospher suitable for internal and foreign invertment to keep thier economy growing. Employment and earning helps to translate economic growth into poverty reduction. however, to reduce poverty through employment, policies should focus on creating more high-earning jobs rather than merely creating more jobs that can not permit saving and investment

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